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Morse Code was created by Samuel Morse and his assistant back in the 1800s and involves a series of dits and dahs to represent letters and characters to convey a message to the receiving station.
Morse Code was used for long distance communcations up until fairly recently for commercial communications and also military communications. Even to this day, military personnel are taught Morse Code in case of emergency and the internet or more modern methods fail.
Morse Code is very effective and efficient, does NOT need expensive or complicated equipment and does NOT need a lot of power to work. I have made a video about a small radio I bought for portable work mainly using Morse Code on the Xiegu X5105 radio.
Click on the image below to view several videos I made describing the hobby:
I got started in amateur radio because my grandfather was a morse code operator just after the second world war. He was stationed in Germany and learned Morse in order to intercept and spy on the Russians. He started to train me but as I got to the age where I moved to university the training stopped. After my university time I moved to Philadelphia, USA which is where my wife is from. We lived there for quite a few years and my grandfather died while I was over there. When I returned to Nottingham, UK, I decided I would learn Morse Code fully.
I contacted the UK's national club, the Radio Society of Great Britain - RSGB, and they put me in touch with Sandra G0MCV, who teaches Morse Code and we began practicing every weekend until I was comfortably sending and receiving at about 25wpm.
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